The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released interim data showing positive results from the On the CUSP: Stop CAUTI project.
As you may know, healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s) are a significant source of illness and death in America, affecting 1 out of 20 hospital patients. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are a particularly common type of HAI.
Although almost all cases of CAUTI are preventable, 13,000 deaths are associated with CAUTI each year.
The Michigan Health and Hospital Association’s Keystone Center has implemented the Stop CAUTI project with 800 partner organizations across the country.
After implementing the Stop CAUTI program, participating units saw a 16% relative reduction in CAUTI incidences. The degrees occurred across different sizes of facilities and in different units.
Relative reduction rates were more prominent in non-ICUs compared to ICUs, possibly indicating culture changes in larger parts of hospital facilities.