Statewide Initiatives
Nursing Leadership
Nursing’s leadership presence is crucial to developing and maintaining high-quality systems of healthcare. Join the Michigan Center for Nursing and The Nurses on Boards Coalition campaign to ensure nurses are serving on boards across the United States! Get more information and follow the progress at www.NursesonBoardsCoalition.org.
Why Nursing?
The Michigan Center for Nursing started profiling Michigan nurses in 2014. We have continued to highlight these amazing stories. View our "Why Nursing" series here.
Nursing Data
For almost a decade, the Michigan Center for Nursing has surveyed Michigan's Nursing Workforce.
Visit our new nursing workforce data page for the latest and archived nursing survey results.
Pain Management Curriculum and Resources
Continuing Education Modules, Core Competencies, and Curricula
Faculty and Preceptor Tool Kits
The Michigan Center for Nursing has provided the materials needed to run a nurse preceptor or clinical faculty academy to you free of charge.
View Preceptor & Clinical Faculty Tool Kit
Michigan Nursing Career Guide
As part of a project supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the Campaign for Action, we have developed the Nursing Career Guide, providing resources on educational progression, career planning, career coaching, and interprofessional collaboration.
More Projects
The Michigan Center for Nursing would like to hear about new initiatives from across the state. We are open to ideas and suggestions for new initiatives from nurses throughout Michigan. MCN is constantly building relationships with new partners in order to enhance the education and practice environments of Michigan’s nursing workforce, which ultimately improves the overall health of our state.
Be sure to visit this site frequently. We will update it regularly as we continue to confront issues and learn about initiatives that are important to the nursing workforce in Michigan. We’d like to hear from you about projects and initiatives from your organization, region, or practice setting. This may include:
Issues related to nursing practice
Projects by nurses completing their DNP
Quality and Safety Initiatives
Interprofessional Initiatives
Contact us today to tell us about interesting nursing projects around the state.