The Michigan Health Council is delighted to welcome Christine W. Saltzberg, PhD, MS, PHCNS-BC, RN as the new Director of the Michigan Center for Nursing. Dr. Saltzberg will be leading the efforts of the center to promote the future of nursing, lead change, and advance health in Michigan.
A Board Certified Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist through ANCC, Dr. Saltzberg has extensive academic and clinical experience, along with expertise in case management of vulnerable populations, health policy, complex systems leadership, curriculum development, and educational research.
Dr. Saltzberg is a graduate of Cornell University where she earned a PhD in Education with concentrations in adult development and education, educational psychology and measurement, and curriculum development and instruction. She holds a MS in Public/Community Health Nursing from the University of Rochester, and a BS, summa cum laude, in nursing from Alfred University.
Dr. Saltzberg has held a variety of leadership positions including that of Commissioner on Accreditation for the American Nurses Credentialing Center, and member of the Maternal Child Health Title V Block Grant Advisory Council for the New York State Department of Health. She currently serves as Co-chair of the American Nurses Association Workplace Violence and Incivility professional issues panel steering committee.
Most recently Dr. Saltzberg served as a lecturer at the University of Michigan-Flint in the School of Health Professions. In her new role with the Michigan Center for Nursing, Dr. Saltzberg will provide leadership and direction for the Michigan Nursing Action Coalition to address the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations in the report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.