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Workplace Violence and Incivility Public Comment Opportunity

The American Nurses Association Workplace Violence and Incivility Professional Issues Panel is seeking public comment regarding:

Draft ANA position statement: Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence

The public comment period is now open and will remain so until 5 PM ET, April 30, 2015.

Dear Nurses: The American Nurses Association Workplace Violence and Incivility Professional Issues Panel is requesting public comment on the Draft Position Statement: Incivility, Bullying and Workplace Violence. It is anticipated that this statement will assist registered nurses and employers with understanding, defining, and mitigating/eliminating incivility, bullying and violence in the workplace. Nurses, students, and other stakeholders are invited to review and comment on this document. ANA encourages you to read the document in its entirety before posting your comments. This will help with understanding the flow and how the content is arranged. You can then submit your specific comments related to each section, as well as general comments at the end. When submitting comments please reference the appropriate line number.

The comment period is open until 5 pm ET on April 30, 2015.

Access the position statement:

The position statement can also be accessed by visiting The American Nurses Association Website. ANA looks forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your participation.



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