Why is the Center for Nursing hosting a nursing summit?
We are answering a simple call to action: Strengthening professional pathways to prepare the nursing workforce of the future.
So why have a Summit?
In 2012, nursing education and practice leaders from all over Michigan engaged in a two-day conference to begin to develop a shared academic-practice model for improving safety and quality in patient care. Using four of the QSEN[1] competencies[2] as the basis for their work, the Michigan QSEN efforts developed regional initiatives:
To create a common language on quality and safety, create an appreciation in both education and practice for existing quality and safety programs and initiatives; and create new projects as an outcome of the Institute to advance an integrated approach to quality and safety in educational programs and clinical settings[3].
The work of the Michigan QSEN Institute has been ongoing. Promoting and increasing academic-practice communication particularly around quality and safety has been central to their work. Recognizing that the success of patient-centered approach in health care requires care coordination from inteRprofessional teams within the health care workforce, their efforts have included integrating these key concepts into clinical care.
To further this work, the MCN Summit will introduce the six QSEN competencies to a larger nursing audience focusing on the incorporation of teamwork and collaboration and evidence-based practice gained in nursing education into practice environments to improve safety and quality.
Broadly, the MCN Summit will explore interprofessional teamwork and collaboration with evidence-based practice to improve safety and achieve quality through QSEN competencies, partnering academic preparation and clinical practice, the DNP education and training.
Academic and clinical leaders will introduce the new Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) academic preparation and leader from both academia and clinical management will present on connecting education and practice with next steps on QSEN and inter-professional education and practice.
All are welcome to join us at this collaborative forum aimed at outlining and discussing the broad principles underlying the nursing role in quality and safety and interprofessional practice.
[1] QSEN ( Quality and Safety in Nursing Education): National Faculty and advisory group organized around the IOM nursing competencies to develop strategies “ to build will and develop effective teaching approaches to assure that future[nursing] graduates develop the [ QSEN] competences” as a standard for nursing practice.
[2] Six QSEN Competencies: Patient-centered care; Teamwork and Collaboration; Evidence-based Practice; Quality improvement; Safety; and Informatics.
[3] A Taskforce Model for Statewide Change, Mundt et al. Journal of Professional Nursing, April 2013.