Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the 2014 Michigan Nursing Summit, we feel it was a great success.
We heard from some excellent speakers on some very interesting topics. Karima Velji, PhD, RN gave some inspiration on how to deliver more effective and better care through intereprofessional teams and the importance of effective teamwork and communication.
Dr. Velji shared this useful video:
Dianne Conrad, DNP, Rosanne Burson, DNP, and Kathy Moran, DNP provided an in-depth discussion about the role the Doctorate of Nursing Practice will play in transforming health care in America, particularly with a focus on improving quality of health care delivery.
Dean Cynthia McCurren, PhD, Sue Sirianni DNP, and Judy Paull, DNP provided a discussion on the importance of connecting DNP education to practice settings.
We also heard from Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, about the connection to QSEN and interprofessional care and about Pat Posa RN’s work on translating evidence into practice through the Keystone intiaitive to reduce central-line infections in the ICU.
Dr. Dolansky has shared with us the details of her free online course on quality improvement, available here:
We’d like to extend a very special “thank you” to our planning committee members who volunteered a great deal of time to making this event a success:
Deborah Bach-Stante, RN, MPH, Dianne Conrad, DNP, Jennifer Dunn, MSN, RN, Bernadette Pieczynski, MSN, RN, Regina Traylor, MSN, BSN, Susan Wozniak, MSHS, RN, Linda White, RN, MPH, and Carol Walker, RN.
The American Nurses Association-Michigan Chapter provided contact hours through the Midwest Regional Collaborative.