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Showcasing Nursing Projects

Register by July 31 to save $50 with the early bird discount!

One of our goals in hosting the Nursing Summit it to showcase the role nursing’s practice doctorate has in leading the charge towards achieving the “Triple Aim.”

If you attend the Summit, you will have an opportunity to review 11 high-quality poster presentations which were led by nurses around translation of evidence into practice, quality improvement, cost and efficiency, health care policy, clinical research, and program and system evaluation.

These projects highlight the diverse ways nurses contribute to health care transformation through education, clinical practice, systems leadership, program evaluation, and public policy.

Some of the work in posters include: patient perceptions of personal health records, nurse-led protocol for early mobility in critical care patients, to assessing confidence of new BSN graduates with the AACN essentials, to a policy analysis of organ donation policies.

The Summit agenda will also have a focus on how the skills and roles of DNP-prepared nurses will contribute to transforming health care.

Kathy Moran, DNP, Rosanne Burson, DNP, and Dianne Conrad, DNP will be presenting a keynote talk on preparing nursing leaders to transform health care. Additionally, we will hear a panel discussion from Dean Cynthia McCurren, PhD, Judy Paull, DNP, and Sue Sirianni, DNP about innovations in the bridge between education and practice around doctoral education.



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