Please join the Oakland University School of Nursing and Presenters, Laura Gossiaux of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services - and Emily Yager of HealthCall to learn better nursing practices at our special presentation on Monday, December 5, 2016, at Oakland University, 433 Meadow Brook Rd., Rm 2018 Human Health Building, Rochester, MI 48309.
To register, please click and follow the link below: https://goo.gl/forms/U76kNBeMBASvPS1I2
OU Campus Map Link: https://wwwp.oakland.edu/Assets/Oakland/ucm/files-and-documents/Printable-Campus-Map/OUCampusMap_UCM-10953-2015.pdf
The Human Health Building (HHB) is designated as building 15 on the campus map. It is best to park in P3 or P1.