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Nursing Licensure Survey 2015

The Michigan Center for Nursing annual survey of nurses is underway. Nurses who renew their license this year are invited to complete the survey online before they begin the license renewal application process.

The survey link appears in a sentence at the top of the “Renewal Application Start Page”. It reads: “Please complete the following RN survey” or “LPN survey”. The link to the survey is underlined in the sentence.

To complete the survey online, please right click on the link before clicking the “Begin Renewal Application” button at the bottom of the page. Once the renewal application is begun, there is no opportunity to return to the survey link.

If you renew your license this year, please look carefully for the survey link and take the opportunity to complete the survey online. If you miss the survey link, you can still complete the paper copy and return it by mail to the address on the survey. A paper copy accompanies the renewal notice.

For nurses unfamiliar with the survey, its purpose is to describe the Michigan nursing workforce. The survey data will be used to inform state and local decisions regarding nurse recruitment, education and employment. The information you provide will be confidential and the identity of individual respondents will not be shared with anyone. Completion of the survey is voluntary and does not affect your license. The information is important and your participation is encouraged and truly appreciated. We thank you for your participation.

Please go to to view past survey results and to sign up to receive the Michigan Center for Nursing Newsletter electronically.



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