We're pleased to announce that Kathleen Van Wagoner, MSN, RN, MSA will be the closing speaker on Friday of the 2017 Michigan Nursing Summit, October 11-13. Van Wagoner will be speaking on Relationship Based Care: Translating Concepts into Behavior.
Kathleen Van Wagoner is an experienced health care leader holding executive level positions in clinical administration, program design, project planning and management. She possesses in depth experience implementing Relationship-Based Care, focusing on the three key relationships, care of self, colleagues, and patients and families. Van Wagoner emphasizes the importance of the intention and design of the relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient and family, colleagues, and self. The responsibility to continued learning as a strategy to ensure that the patient/family experience care as compassionate, safe, and high quality is a key value of hers and how this translates from and to the clinical team.
Van Wagoner earned a Bachelor’s of Nursing from Madonna University, a Master in Nursing from University of Phoenix, and a Masters in Healthcare Administration from Central Michigan University. She is a Johnson and Johnson Wharton Nurse Executive Fellow from the University of Pennsylvania and has published and presented on the Relationship-Based Care, professional nursing practice models, and role clarity/work alignment of the professional nurse.