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Get Published with the Michigan Center for Nursing

The Michigan Center for Nursing welcomes and encourages book reviews. In particular, we seek reviews of books published between 2010-2015, which are specific to nursing practice, nursing education, professional development, and contemporary professional issues.

We strive to create a place where budding nurse authors feel welcome, can share ideas, build writing skills, and gain professional exposure. Reviews are appreciated from seasoned, as well as new nurses.

We especially want this to be a learning/mentoring opportunity for new writers. Submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team however items intended for course assignments and grades will not be accepted. Writers may be asked to revise and resubmit their book review prior to publication. Accepted reviews will be published in the MCN newsletter.

When writing, please observe the following guidelines:

  1. Use APA 6th edition (2010) style manual for writing and formatting; including complete reference citation and ISBN number.

  2. Provide your own full name, credentials, organizational affiliation, a brief biographical note, email address and phone number. Your email address and phone number will not be published however we need your contact information to communicate with you.

  3. Maximum length is 1000 words.

  4. Provide a compelling and engaging discussion of the work.

  5. State the reason the book is relevant to nurses/nursing.

  6. Discuss the context of the book. Include relevant information about the author’s background. Include relevant information about the motive for writing the book, ex. the consideration of culture or policy, bioethical controversy, topic exploration.

  7. Summarize the main thesis of the book.

  8. Comment on the development of the thesis by the author. What is the purpose of the publication, and is it successfully achieved? Are the arguments convincing or is more information necessary?

  9. Summarize your reactions to the book. What did you learn/what is new? Can you apply the lessons learned to your professional practice/professional life? Do you recommend the book and why?

Suggested Topics:

  • Quality and Safety

  • Nursing Culture

  • Memoir

  • Professional Development

  • Public Health

  • Public Policy

  • Nursing Leadership

If you have questions about the process, or would like to submit a book review, please contact:

Dr. Christine Saltzberg, PhD, MS, PHCNS-BC, RN 517-347-3332



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