What will you learn at the 2014 Michigan Nursing Summit? We have the final answer ready for you.
We have a great lineup of speakers and poster presentations and attendees will be eligible for 5.75 contact hours.
With keynote talks from Karima Velji, PhD, RN and Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN about the importance of interprofessional collaboration and quality and safety, the Summit will offer important, evidence-based research and insights that are critical for nursing's role in the transformation of health care.
Additionally, Dianne Conrad, DNP, Kathy Moran, DNP, and Rosanne Burson, DNP will be giving a presentation on the emerging role the Doctorate of Nursing Practice will play in clinical transformation and growing the nursing profession.
Attendees will also hear from Pat Posa, MSA, RN, about translating evidence into practice in the nurse-led effort to eliminate Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) as part of the Keystone Initiative.
All of the details on the speakers is available here.
Early Bird Registration ends on August 1 (and with it, a $50 discount)! Register for the Summit Today.